MOG Network

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Feels Like Injustice?

I normally do not publish topics of safety issues on this Blog; however, I wanted to address a problem & begin a discussion with other people who feel my pain.

Last month I was driving down a busy main road in Nashville, TN; unfortunately that morning I was blocked by a metro policeman in the middle of the turn lane in front of a major intersection light. He was on a motor bike & walking or standing in the middle of this busy lane.  I concluded he was directing traffic for an upcoming wreck, construction or some unforeseen problem...however, this was not one of those times.

I don't know if others feel this way, but I would like to know if you have been a victim of a power-happy policeman.  Police are suppose to be here to serve & protect but it seems these days they are here to take advantage of their power given to them by the city & use it only to meet a well-known 'quota'.

Here's my problem with this situation- if he was trying to capture the speeders coming down the road...why would you place yourself in the middle of morning traffic in order to 'capture' the so-called speeders...was he really using radar or taking advantage of his power, no matter the cost.

If you have had a similar problem- tell me about it, then complain to your local police station.  These scenarios can be prevented & you can turn the tables on these power happy figures...

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